If you like us today, you'll dislike us tomorrow.
There are six forms of the Eternal King Crimson (plus an invisible seventh). None of these forms are fixed: they are all fluid & in motion. They are all equally valid & necessary ways (or strategies) by which Crimson is Crimson, continues to be Crimson, and continues Crimsonising.
At particular points of the Crimson process, as Crimson moves through sequential time, one particular strategy tends to be dominant although all continue to be simultaneously present & necessary. "Fixing" or limiting the ways of being Crimson has the effect of locking KC outside of its process. Then, it begins to ossify. Then, it begins to die.
Fans tend to like and demand one or two of the six forms of being Crimson, and demand that this way/s take/s precedence over the others. When a fan demands that one particular strategy drives the group, this is restrictive; when they demand that this strategy is unchanging, this is destructive. An overview of ET provides ample data of fan demand, & how terrifying it is.
Six Forms of Crimsonising:
The Unfolding Crimson: this is the transmission & generation of the originating Crimson impulse through its "children".
The Evolving Crimson: this is the renewing & renewal of that impulse, the "return to the Crimson source".
The One & Only Crimson: this is the identity of Crimson, its pattern of characteristics which make Crimson recognisably Crimson, in whatever body or form.
The Interacting Crimson: this is where Crimson interfaces, interconnects & cross-references, supports & is supported by / with other forms of possible & impossible Crimson.
The Possible Crimson: this is what is possible for Crimson, according to its essential pattern. It is achieved by excluding what is impossible.
The Impossible Crimson: this is where Crimson makes it up as it goes along (and not only musically). The impossible is allowed to enter, by allowing Crimson the freedom to discover itself in the moment.
These are all "pure" or essential forms of Crimsonising. These fluid strategies become increasingly fixed and limited (or "existential") as they move out into the world; for example, the worlds of professional players, the music industry & fan commentary. At the lower reaches of all of these, nothing happens or can happen. My recommendation to help keep these forms "pure": let go. If you love Crimson, let it go. If you love yourself, let it go.
The mechanical logic of polar thinking denies the possibility of any form of relationship. So, we add a third term to the dyad of polar thinking. We had this:
Yes - No.
Then, we add the third term & we have this:
Yes - No - Letting Go.
Now, something is possible again: for all of us. We may be free to meet again. Then, we may meet again. Or not. Either way, we all win.
That life could be this good all the time.
"Crimson Blue" has moved incrementally further forward. But Devil Bug is being nasty to me.
A good rehearsal with Ade. "Crimson Blue" is slinking its way forward into new Crimson repertoire.
Cough. Cough. Cough. Hack.